‘Autopilot’ is a poignant ode to falling behind and self-acceptance from ROE

The track follows the release of the lauded artist's recent single 'Cinema'

The track follows the release of the lauded artist’s recent single ‘Cinema’

If you look around this blog, you can find pages and pages of words about how captivating and special Irish artist ROE is and how transformative and powerful her tracks feel, taking you to intimate and personal places in ways that few others can, and her latest single ‘Autopilot’ is another reason to find yourself captivated by the artist.

The track follows the all-too relatable and harrowing feeling of feeling like everybody is moving along with their lives and progressing while you’re finding yourself stagnant; on ‘Autopilot’. This makes for a really powerful and authentic-feeling listen throughout the track, with the rawness of her vocals and stripped-back instrumentation making for a sound that feels all the more confessional and real, with every last word that she says leaving a lasting mark on you as a listener and ringing with an emotional resonance.

“I wrote this song as a 23 year old who felt like they were falling behind.” ROE says of the new single. “This particular year was rife with people I grew up with reaching conventional milestones when I hadn’t even checked off one.  Marriage, babies, job security, the mortgage. It’s strange that. The expectations you put on yourself and that other people put on you before knowing for certain it’s what you want. I couldn’t help but feel like I should hurry up and get on the same page as them. And then I really thought about it. Like staring into blank space, out of body kind of deep thought. And I realised that I’m content with where I’m at. Two years later, after a lot of love and consideration, ‘Autopilot’ is now yours. A song for anyone who isn’t where they’re supposed to be.”