‘ROSE GOLD LIGHTS’ is a moving and uplifting new Too Close For Comfort release

The thoughtful new track is their third single of the year

The thoughtful new track is their third single of the year

Following on from their dynamic recent single ‘LEVERAGE’, Nevada alternative outfit Too Close For Comfort have slowed things down a little on their latest single ‘ROSE GOLD LIGHTS’, a track that sees the band showcasing a more vulnerable side to their sound and writing, tackling the theme of overcoming stage fright and finding a way to make things work out.

The track has a really uplifting and thoughtful spirit to it throughout which makes for some engrossing moments that leave a lasting impression on you as a listener, as well as continuing to open up the scope and variety of the band and their distinctive style. Their ability to juxtapose softer and more restrained moments with cathartic bouts of emotion and power make for a really captivating track that feels invigorating throughout, packed full of interesting moments and charm.