‘Codependency’ is a charming and atmospheric single from nudista

The track closes out the band's lauded sophomore EP Nothing Makes Sense Until It Does

The track closes out the band’s lauded sophomore EP Nothing Makes Sense Until It Does

The final track from their lauded EP Nothing Makes Sense Until It Does, nudista single ‘Codependency’ is another rousing showcase of the London-based alt-folk duo and why they have been receiving so much reverence and acclaim in the UK music scene from listeners and tastemakers alike.

The track has a woozy and stirring appeal to it throughout, serving as a literal expression of growth (the track was written over the course of years) and the way that our mindset and outlook can change over time as we learn to cut ourselves a bit of slack. There is a moody and thoughtful overarching tone to the soundscape that feels atmospheric and memorable, but enough charm and rousing appeal to give it a rewarding and uplifting sheen that provides some really nice closing moments on the EP.

“’Codependency’ is a song of two halves but its overarching theme, like the rest of the EP, is about growth” the band explain. “The first and second verses were written years apart which allows the narrative to change opinion and show how we can outgrow ourselves. The first verse was born out of an early-twenties assumption that others are better off without you, and you are better off without them. Whereas the second verse can see the immaturity in that approach to life and it uses sarcasm and humour to highlight the flaws in that world view.”