Freddie Lewis comes to terms with single life on his thoughtful new single ‘Sundays’

The track features a similarly absorbing and compelling music video featuring performer Cici Noir

The track features a similarly absorbing and compelling music video featuring performer Cici Noir

Boasting an effortlessly laid-back and authentic feeling appeal that has a distinctively British charm to it, rising artist Freddie Lewis is somebody who has a distinctive style and appeal that evokes a warmth and charm that feels indelible and unique, and his latest single ‘Sundays’ does a great job of encapsulating everything that makes the rising artist feel so special.

The track has a soothing and liberating feel to it throughout as the artist looks to fill the void left in his life by the dissolution of a relationship, something that many of us will have had to contend with at some point or another as things change and we find ourselves with a little bit too much time on our hands in the aftermath. There are a tonne of really charming and resonating moments here, as the artist lays his cards on the table and articulates his thoughts and feelings in vulnerable and stirring fashion, making for a immersive and resonating listening experience that is packed full of charm and resilience.

Talking about the single, Freddie elaborates, “it’s about figuring out how to fill up my own life in the wake of a significant relationship ending. I’d figured out all the fun things, the late nights and dancing and trips, but in the quiet time there was this space I couldn’t seem to fill. Sundays were the hardest, because they’d always been the highlight of my week. I realised that all the other things were easier because they were a distraction, and sitting at home alone was when the change really set in. Like ‘oh shit I’m on my own now. That’s exciting! And scary.’”