‘Backseat’ is a moving coming of age single from Liang Lawrence

The track is from the artist's lauded EP What's Dead and Gone

The track is from the artist’s lauded EP What’s Dead and Gone

The focus track of her new EP What’s Dead And Gone, heartfelt new Liang Lawrence single ‘Backseat’ sees the artist tackling themes like realising that your heroes are just people and not to hold people to these higher standards, opening up with a vulnerability and charm that feels compelling.

The stirring chorus refrain of “If you loved me, why’d you leave me’ is one that hits hard and leaves a real impression on you as a listener, feeling both emotionally wrought and relatable as we have all gone through situations where people have let us down or let us feel left behind in one way or another. The track, and the artist’s back catalogue, are packed full of these immersive and moving moments, as she delves into her experiences and life to pick out parts that feel both deeply personal and universal.

‘Backseat’ was me saying goodbye to the ideals we have for the people closest to us.” The artist says of the track. “I think part of growing up is realising that the people you’ve always looked up to are also just human beings. When I first started to navigate this, I spent a lot of the time feeling like the victim in it all and feeling like I’d somehow been left behind. I think that’s completely part of the healing process and that the song sits in that vulnerable place but I hope that listening to it can either help someone who’s in that place or reflecting on that feeling. It’s not at all novel or an especially complicated concept but I think it’s something we all go through”.