‘Itsy Bitsy Spider’ is a fun new Mia Mormino single that urges you to embrace your chaotic side

The track is the fourth single of the artist's stellar 2024

The track is the fourth single of the artist’s stellar 2024

Tired of striving for perfection in a world where it is both impossible to achieve and overrated, latest Mia Mormino single ‘Itsy Bitsy Spider’ sees the artist embracing who she is and how she doesn’t always have to be put together and productive in empowering and dynamic fashion, making for a relatable and exciting new sonic journey that is packed full of character and flair.

From the fiercely upbeat and unapologetic nature of the sound to the dynamism and unabashed energy of the vocals, this track feels every bit the rebellious and chaotic statement that the lyrics strive for, feeling uninhibited and fresh in its approach and the artist’s ability to let loose and more importantly let go of her worries or fears. Throughout the new track, Mia’s enticing spark and boundless creativity run wild, and make for a truly memorable and expansive piece of modern pop.