Who TF is Tamara Kazziha?

We had a chat with the fiercely unique Tamara Kazziha about her powerful, atmospheric sound and captivating single ‘Calling the Moon’

Armed with a sound that often feels magical and rooted in folklore and an ambitious flair for the atmospheric and moving, Tamara Kazziha is a truly innovative and unique artist in a time where very few can claim to be, transporting listeners to a whole other realm with her sound and captivating them with a cinematic and one-of-a-kind world.

A track that perfectly encapsulates this idea is ‘Calling the Moon’, the first track of the artist’s EP of the same name. The track has an almost fairytale-like quality to it, haunting and expansive while having a sense of childlike wonder to it as its celtic melodies and influences make for a truly rousing and transfixing journey. We love how daring and unique the artist’s sound and appeal feels, and had a chat with Tamara to find out a little bit more about her influences, her journey so far, and the plans for the future that she has as she continues to grow and evolve an already fascinating and engrossing style.

Who TF is Tamara Kazziha?

Honestly the answer to that is always evolving! However I’m also an Egyptian born, Scottish raised violinist, singer-songwriter, and producer.

How long have you been making music?

From a very young age I remember singing in my primary school toilets because I enjoyed the reverb. I liked to sing ghostly sad songs then, there was a lot going on. Actually I still do. And I’ve been playing violin from 11 or so, and it’s been 2 years since I’ve started recording and producing my own music.

Why do you make music?

To communicate the parts of myself that would be very hard to express with words alone. Through my music I practice embracing myself more and more and I always feel that if sharing my vulnerability can help one person to know they’re not alone with what they’re feeling, then that’s worth something.

What are your biggest influences?

It’s really hard to say because I can find something I like in almost everything I listen to. I love Aurora, Tori Amos, Fiona Apple… I’ve lived nomadically for years so I’ve also been influenced by different musical cultures (India, Ireland, Egypt) and there’s probably hints of these influences expressed in the music I’m currently working on. I don’t pressure myself to make only one style or genre of music and like to create whatever is most alive in me in the moment.

What would you say has been your best moment so far?

Playing and singing my first produced track at Buddhafield festival. It was such a great feeling to see people dancing to my music! It definitely inspired me to make more music that is danceable in the future because it’s a real joy to share that energy with others.

How would you describe your sound to somebody unfamiliar with it?

Tough question! There are definitely folk influences mixed with art pop, some middle eastern influences, also singer-songwriter with some electronic sounds… listen and find out!

What’s your dream “I’ve made it” moment?

Maybe there’s not one specific moment but I think hearing and seeing regularly that my music is having a positive impact on others, that it’s connecting on a deep heartfelt level would give me a sense of having ‘made it’.

We love your single ‘Calling the Moon’, what more can you tell us about it?

Ah thank you! Calling the Moon was written in India during the pandemic with my best friend. I think I was missing the cold, haha, and I wanted to connect with a magical folklore-ish feeling that I often have when in Scotland. So it sounds a little like a fairytale, a way to tap back into my celtic side.

What else do you have planned for the near future?

I’m currently working on my second EP, which is mostly written in a made-up language. This is to express my sense of not being from any one place as well as to focus more on creating a world of sound rather than a coherent ‘message’. I’m taking time to find the right collaborators, to bring in folk instruments from the different places I’ve traveled and to express something quite different from what I’ve released before…

And finally, who is your biggest fan right now?

I don’t know! Please reveal yourself 🙂