Who TF is Jasi Bella?

We got acquainted with rapidly emerging artist Jasi Bella following her latest exciting single ‘Claim Me’

Thanks to her energetic and infectious pop sound, Jasi Bella has found herself gaining rising levels of acclaim and fanfare with each new release that she comes out with.

The latest of which is the brand new ‘Claim Me’, a track that showcases more of the artist’s sultry, feelgood vibes and displaying an emphatic message of independence and empowerment throughout. The artist has no qualms telling her potential partner exactly what she wants on the track, and it is this fierce, fiery streak that melds so well with her energetic sound. From the effortlessly catchy pop sensibilities to the artist’s commanding sense of personality and guile, the track has an instantly memorable appeal that radiates through it. We love the track, and figured that the release gave us the perfect excuse to find out some more about Jasi Bella and her plans for the future.

Who TF is Jasi Bella?

I’m Jasmine, my friends call me Jasi and Bella was taken out of my middle name Isabella. I’m a Swedish artist/songwriter. I spent the majority of my life in the north of Sweden (the arctic circle pretty much) and have now lived in London for 7 years where I’ve furthered my interest in music as well as in a lot of pasta and wine!

Why do you make music?

It’s my therapy and self expression. A lot of artists refer to their songs as their ‘diary entries’, but for me that’s literally how it started at the age of 6. I had written a few pages about a boy I liked in pre-school and once I had added some silly rhymes to it, it became my new way of telling my stories. I’m pretty sure I ended up naming that song ‘Rainbows’. My songs about boys have far less optimistic titles now haha!

What are your biggest influences?

I really respect artists who write their own songs/create elaborate storytelling via their music. Naturally this makes me a huge fan of Taylor Swift and Julia Michaels, I also really love Sabrina Carpenter’s new music!

What would you say has been your best moment so far?

Probably Taylor Swift telling me I was brave for moving country on my own to pursue music. I met her in Dublin in 2018 and I still pinch myself about the whole experience.

How would you describe your sound to somebody unfamiliar with it?

This has always been a difficult question for me as I’ve experienced with so many genres. My key element is storytelling so I’d describe my music as narrative with word play and rebellious nature. Female empowering but also happy go lucky in many ways. Love themed (for worse and for better) commercial/modern pop.

What’s your dream “I’ve made it” moment?

It all started with the words and stories for me, so the day I have a crowd singing my stories back at me I’ll probably have an emotional meltdown.

We love your new single ‘Claim Me’, what more can you tell us about it?

The story for ‘Claim Me’ was inspired by events in L.A, this is why all the artwork was captured in Venice Beach. I wrote the song in 5 minutes while trying not to fall asleep over a zoom meeting and really didn’t think it was anything special. I sent it to my producer and he was like ‘yeah, this is the one’, so we got into the studio a few days later both in London & Birmingham and I’m so happy with how it turned out!

What else do you have planned for the near future?

I just want to keep creating and get to a point where my catalogue is big enough to start playing some gigs. I grew up competing in a lot of music competitions which meant I was on stage all the time. I’ve spent more time in recording studios as opposed to on stage lately, so I’m really excited to get back out there!

And finally, who is your biggest fan right now?

Definitely my little sister! She’s been my biggest supporter since day 1 and I send all my songs/lyrics to her first, mainly in the form of slurring voice memos. The other day she sent me some of the first lyrics she’s written herself, so watch out – maybe you’ll be featuring her here one day!