Who TF are Midnight Village?

Ahead of the release of their debut EP Save Me A Seat In Your Mind, we had a chat with emerging alt-pop duo Midnight Village

LA alt-pop duo Midnight Village have been making waves over the last few years with their sunny brand of engaging alt-pop. Since forming in 2018, the outfit have been developing and honing their signature sound, spawning a raft of infectiously catchy releases along the way, and with their upcoming debut EP Save Me A Seat In Your Mind set for release on July 1st, the duo should be set for their most exciting and fruitful period to date.

So far we’ve heard two tracks from the new release and all signs are pointing to something special. From the thoughtful romance of ‘Catch a Flight’ to the upbeat swagger of ‘All You Gotta Know’, fans of alternative pop with a catchy sensibility and a cutting edge and bite will find a lot to love here. The EP looks set to be the most complete and realised showcase of Midnight Village and their sound and vision to date, and we figured that such an exciting point in their journey would the perfect time to get to know them a little better and hear some more about their plans.

Who TF are Midnight Village?

The best alt-pop band from LA that you’re just now hearing about! With sonics similar to The 1975, Maroon 5 and LANY. 

How long have you been making music?

Sean: I’ve been making music since I was about 18 years old, but I’ve been singing and writing since I was a kid, it always fascinated the shit out of me. I’d be singing in the outfield of my little league games and in my morning showers at the top of my lungs. My dad would often play classics like The Beatles and The Beach Boys, but then throw on a good amount of opera and classical music on which gave me a wide spectrum of what I could potentially connect with. In middle school, I was the lead roll in The Music Man but for some reason after that I stopped all music because I didn’t think I’d fit in. I’m happy the love for the music came back and I became more obsessed then ever. It is definitely my favorite thing because it’s with me always. Wherever I go I’m singing jotting down lyrics and planning out songs in my head. 

Tyler: I’ve been taking classical and jazz drum, guitar, piano and voice lessons since I was the age of 7 and have been performing on stage since the age of 9! I started writing songs and poetry as an escape from the daily bullying in middle and high school I was experiencing. I saw learning, writing, and performing as a way to fight back instead of resorting to violence. 

Why do you make music?

Sean: As cliche as it sounds, I make music because I have to. It is my calling, it is my fuel for my days and it seriously is my favorite thing in the world. In all honesty, I find it to be a much cheaper therapy session. I think about it all day and I create wherever I am. Creating art is the most important thing. Art of any sort helps you grow and I’m in this world for one life so I try to do as much of it as I can. 

Tyler: I agree with Sean, and believe there is a reason we started this band to showcase these songs, with all the training and enthusiasm from growing up. It’s what makes us most contempt and at peace. 

What are your biggest influences?

Tyler: I’m influenced by a multitude of different genres and artists. I love Blink-182, Michael Jackson, Daft Punk, and film compositions by John Williams, Cliff Martinez, and Trent Reznor. My first iPod had the likes of Good Charlotte, As I Lay Dying, On Broken Wings, Beastie Boys, Biggie, Gorilla Biscuits, Chet Baker, and Bill Evans and I still rock those tunes today. 

Sean: I would say my influences change like seasons. As a kid growing up on old classics like The Beatles, Otis Redding, Mitchel Jackson, and The Police, I found myself always turning to similar writing or performing styles to learn from those greats. However more recently my influences have lied with The 1975, Eliott Smith, the smiths, and even Ed Sheeran. I am so incredible Inspired by them on the daily and always learning from their art and incredible story telling. 

What would you say has been your best moment so far?

Tyler: We have had some of our songs played on the radio in a market where we can actually tune in and listen, which was really amazing and we are very proud of that! We also recently published an in depth article in collaboration with German audio manufacturer RME/Synthax that featured our recent single, which was a bucket list moment personally. We are excited to continue the challenge of conquering our goals this summer. 

Sean: My favorite moment so far has got to be when we finally finished up our EP. It was a couple years in the works and when it was finally at an end and ready to release it was this excitement that came over me knowing that we get to write and do it all over again. I love this music and art that we make. 

How would you describe your sound to somebody unfamiliar with it?

Experimental, genre-bending but still within the mainstream. Authentic instrumentation with a modern edge. 

What’s your dream “I’ve made it” moment?

We feel like we have made because we get to make music together and showcase our songs. But obviously taking the band to the next level: acquiring more members of the team, getting on a great and official Spotify playlist, manager, agents, singing to a label, and performing on a tour with like-minded bands and artists would be a dream come true and we can’t wait for that opportunity. 

We love your new single ‘All You Gotta Know’, what more can you tell us about it?

We were at the gym and after a workout I started singing a melody in the shower. Tyler popped his head out and said “woah, what the hell was that? Sing that again right now, I’m getting some ideas!” So we raced back to the studio and started crafting the song together.

What else do you have planned for the near future?

Sean: We are releasing our 7 song EP “Save Me A Seat In Your Mind” on July 1st and to follow that we have multiple visualizer videos to support the songs on the record. We will also be playing shows all around the Southern California area and promoting the music as well to local and international blogs trying to get on more playlists and to connect with the fans that like our songs. We can’t wait to hear what other people think 🙂

And finally, who is your biggest fan right now?

Sean: the country of Brazil seems to like our music so we’d love to eventually go down there are play all our songs shirtless in the heat. We also have a lot of local standout fans that come to our shows and always make our night.