Who TF are Sarpa Salpa?

We had a chat with CLOUT favourites Sarpa Salpa, a band who are (in our opinion) one of the most exciting emerging acts in the UK

There is no more satisfying feeling than feeling like you have discovered something before it truly took off. Be it an artist, a TV show, a franchise, anything. Listening to Northampton’s Sarpa Salpa is something that gives the impression that that feeling may be coming.

Their sound is nothing short of infectious. Huge swirling synths, indelible indie rock songwriting, an immaculate sense of fun and adventure. Sarpa Salpa are rapidly gaining a deserved reputation for being one of the most exciting emerging acts in the UK and the release of their debut EP Say Something has only confirmed that.

As firm believers of the hype, we sought out the bands frontman and vocalist Marcus Marooth and had a chat with him about how Sarpa Salpa came to be, Say Something, and everything in between.

Who TF are Sarpa Salpa?

We’re a five piece indie/disco/alternative band from the bullseyes of England (Northampton). We have George Neath on Guitar, Ethan Whitby on Bass, Charlie Doe on Drums, Meg Amirghiasvand on Keys and myself Marcus on vocals!

How long have you been making music?

We’ve been making music together in one form or another for coming up to 4 years!

Why do you make music?

I make music because I love it! I wanted to know what it is about music that makes people tick and how they wrote it, so I learnt how to play guitar! Once I’d gotten the basics down it was only a matter of time till we tried to write our own!

What are your biggest influences?

My biggest influences are people that really make a difference and write music people can connect with! Something that you can listen to and think; “did they write this about my life?” Humans are relatable I guess!

What would you say has been your best moment so far?

The best moment was taking my photo with crowd in Germany hundreds and hundreds of miles from home in front of nearly 2,000 people! Insane. It’s either that or hearing our tracks played on Radio 1, still blows me away whenever i hear them now!

How would you describe your sound to someone unfamiliar with it?

I would describe our sound as funky bass lines, complex yet, satisfying drums beats with intricate guitar patterns and angelic chords. Somewhere between Boney M and Tame Impala.

What’s your dream “I’ve made it” moment?

The dream “I’ve made it” moment would be hyping myself up to headline a major festival or our first sold out arena show! Or receiving a gold or platinum selling album! Any of those and I’d happily tell my boss to “stick it” haha 

We love your latest EP Say Something, what was the process like putting it together?

The process of putting together the EP was fun, it wasn’t that different to our normal writing process to be totally honest.

We just kept writing song after song until we decided “it’s probably time for an EP now, right?” So we chose 5 our favourites from everything we had written that would work for an EP and we did it!

Also interestingly this was the first release we’ve put out that was recorded quite sporadically. For instance Say Something and Before It Goes Dark were both recorded during the same week in July 2019 but both Lost Time and Paralysed we had actually been sitting on those recordings for probably around a year. I don’t think we had found the right opportunity to release them until the EP and we think they work well there!

Since then we’ve written a whole lot more new music together so i’d expect some new music very soon!

How have you found the reaction to it?

The reaction has been great, it’s so hard having a song ready to be released and not knowing when people are gonna hear it, could be months so we loss excitement naturally but in the few days before it comes out we get excited again and a little nervous haha, but the kind people sharing it on their stories and listening to it every day have made us all feel very grateful!

And finally, who is your biggest fan right now?

Biggest fan… hhhmm

We have a girl called Nina who has “She Never Lies” tattooed on her neck, that’s pretty die hard!

There is also Matt and Leigh who have come to probably 150 shows between them! Including Germany tour dates too!

It would have to be one of them! (Or my mum)

Say Something is available now