We had a chat with UK breakthrough artist SCARLET about her expansive alt-pop sound and exciting new single ‘howemptyofmetobesofullofyou’

Her genre-defying and expansive alternative pop sound have seen South East London independent artist, songwriter, producer and visual artist SCARLET begin to carve out a name for herself over the last few years as a fiercely exciting and dynamic rising star who offers something that feels distinctive and fresh.

The artist’s grungy aesthetic and the authentic and honest feel of her writing feels as refreshing as it does atmospheric, utilising cutting edge production and left-field creativity to leave a lasting impression on you as a listener. New single ‘howemptyofmetobesofullofyou’ and its impending music video showcase an emotional depth and nuance that adds another intriguing layer to the artist’s sound, and we figured that its release provided us with the perfect time to find out some more about the artist and the inspiration behind her eccentric style.


SCARLET is me. The moaning myrtle of alternative pop music :'(

I am an artist, producer, songwriter and visual artist from South East London. My music explores pretty much whatever is going on in my life, matched with ethereally grunge production and heartfelt lyrics – its an emotional rollercoaster.

How long have you been making music?

I started to learn how to produce at 16, but only started to make music that I really fucked with once I hit 18.

Why do you make music?

For the bantz…….

What are your biggest influences?

Anything that isn’t ‘love island music’.

What would you say has been your best moment so far?

Shaking my ass at my first ever launch party last Friday.

How would you describe your sound to somebody unfamiliar with it?

Get familiar with it and you can decide for yourself đŸ˜‰

What’s your dream “i’ve made it” moment?

Playing on the park stage at glasto and personally being informed by the mouth of Gaga herself if there will be a part 2 to the telephone music video…

We love your new single ‘howemptyofmetobesofullofyou’, what more can you tell us about it and its upcoming video?

Thank you! It’s the first proper single release of my debut EP ‘Glorified Daydreams’.

I wrote the song a few years ago after my heart was broken for the first time (womp womp) and once I got over that I developed the song to become what it is today – production wise.

The music video is coming out soon… It is the 4th of a compilation of 7 music videos, one for each song on the EP, all created by myself and my best friend Phoebe Dowling.

The whole narrative of the music videos explore daydreams and the act of escaping reality through them – this video in particular is directly looking at that and that pain that comes when you finally step back to reality.

What else do you have planned for the near future?

My next single and music video – Bite Foot.

And finally, who is your biggest fan right now?

My mum and dad.