Who TF is TE/MO?

We had a chat with emerging artist TE/MO about how devastatingly powerful new EP MOTHER and the personal experiences that shaped it

I can honestly say that I’m still waiting for the first time that I listen to TE/MO‘s debut EP MOTHER without getting chills, or getting shoved into the kind of existential panic that the atmospheric and devastatingly powerful collection of tracks explores in such candid and thoughtful fashion.

The EP delves into some deeply personal experiences that TE/MO has been through, including medical trauma, a misdiagnosis that left her thinking she was infertile and the betrayal and pain she has felt along the way, but the fight and the rousing way that the sound builds to create this all-encompassing aura feels palpable. Like you’re right along side the artist as she goes through it all, pulled along this emotional rollercoaster every step of the way. You’ll have to look a long, long way to find something that leaves a more profound effect on you as a listener, and the artist’s theatrical and committed vocal performance is enough to leave even the coldest of hearts in awe. We love this collection of tracks and just how visceral and honest it feels, and had a chat with TE/MO to find out a bit more about her story and the way that it has shaped such a potent piece of art.

Who TF is TE/MO?

I’m TE/MO, actual name Teagan Earley, and I’m a pop artist and songwriter from Chicago. I started my journey as a vocalist in classical music, and then theater, and then carried all of that drama and storytelling into my songwriting. I’m a natural redhead, a sister, a lover and a fighter, a curious and stubborn imaginer, and a proud mama to a sassy rescue dog.

How long have you been making music?

I’ve been writing songs since I was 12, but they were few and far between. I mostly loved writing poetry, and then singing, but those were two separate things for a long time. Though I was classically trained in voice from age 9 onward, so music has always been a huge part of my life.

Why do you make music?

To make people feel less alone. It’s why I got into the arts in the first place – I remember seeing a stage show and being so floored by the emotional journey I went on while witnessing those people perform, that I decided right then and there that that’s what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I think storytelling is our best means of connecting with one another and encouraging empathy, so what I love about making music is that I’m taking feelings I had and putting them out into the world, and if even 1 person feels seen because of that, then that song was a success.

What are your biggest influences?

I grew up in the age of Taylor Swift! Seeing someone who was such a brilliant businesswoman also practice such gorgeous vulnerability in her writing has always been a massive inspiration to me. But then I’d say the music itself is influenced by my classical music training, Kate Bush, Joni Mitchell, Stevie Nicks, Halsey, Maisie Peters, and the fact that I listened to a lot of story-song writers growing up (the likes of Johnny Cash, Billy Joel, Queen, etc). And as for lyrics, I am enthralled by themes of spirituality, the many faces of love, women’s empowerment, myths, and the paranormal. For the MOTHER EP specifically, I listened to Kate Bush and her incredible body of work nonstop. I’ve always loved her music, but when it came time to write music of my own, she also proved to be an incredible guiding light, because she has always found a way to create incredible, musical dreamscapes to tell stories through.

What would you say has been your best moment so far?

Our music video for ‘Mother I’ just got selected by its first film festival, so that was pretty exciting 🙂 But otherwise, every time a fan reaches out with their personal story. It means so much to me that people – especially women – feel seen by my music.

How would you describe your sound to somebody unfamiliar with it?

I like to call it “spooky pop”. And by that, I mean that I like to mix timeless elements – like traditional instruments and Western classical composing devices – with contemporary innovations. I think there will always be something eerie and ancient about that mix… hence the “spooky”! I just love writing a catchy hook, but I also love making that hook into a musical motif, before backing that hook up with a full orchestra.

What’s your dream “I’ve made it” moment?

I would love to perform for a crowd who knows all the words to one of my songs. Knowing that a group of people cared enough to memorize my lyrics would be pretty insane.

We love your new EP MOTHER, what more can you tell us about it?

MOTHER is the product of over a year of processing some medical trauma I endured, in which I was misdiagnosed as being entirely infertile at the age of 23. Writing music was my only way of coping during that time in my life, and so each song represents an entirely different phase of my healing journey. Over the course of that year, and over the course of writing this EP, I realized that while I think a maternal instinct has always been inside of me and therefore is a very innate part of my identity, it had also become overrun by societal expectations, pressures, and shame. And in order to let the “mother” energy be born in a different way, I had to untangle all those external factors from my internal sense of self and let some of my old ways die. So, this EP is dedicated to all those who are not believed, to all the kids we’ve failed as a society, and to everyone who has ever endured great struggle and come out singing. And it’s meant to serve as a reminder that healing is a complicated thing, especially when you’re dealing with a crisis of identity.

What else do you have planned for the near future?

Well now that I’ve started writing, it feels like I can’t stop! So I’d say plenTy more releAses aRe On The horizon.

And finally, who is your biggest fan right now?

My sister. Closely followed by my parents. Closely followed by some fans that have been with me since I joined EPIC the Musical. But my sister is my best friend in the world and has been the best cheerleader through my debut and all the releases since. She’s the best 🙂