‘Your Silence’ is a gut-wrenching exploration of grief from rising alternative outfit A Different Kitchen

The track is the second in an intense string of five vulnerable releases from the expansive young band

The track is the second in an intense string of five vulnerable releases from the expansive young band

Releasing 5 heavy-hitting singles between April and October of 2024 that look to explore the emotional unhinge of a pained human mind, UK alternative outfit A Different Kitchen are a band who are looking to make a serious statement with some of their formative releases. Taking an unapologetic and vulnerable path to establishing themselves as a band with a tonne of potential and dynamism.

The second of these singles comes in the form of ‘Your Silence’, a brooding and intense track that delves into the depths of grief and loss, and the insurmountable task of having to come to terms with these things and emerge from the other side. There is a rawness to the track that feels visceral and authentic, like something that has been burrowed beneath the surface and is looking to explode onto a soundscape littered full of darkness and tension. The track feels as fragile and moving as anything that you’re likely to hear anytime soon, packed full of unrestrained emotion and gut-wrenching hurt and anger, leaving an indelible mark on you as a listener and putting A Different Kitchen firmly on the radar of those that hear it.