‘No Strings’ is an instantly catchy pop debut from the rising Absnt Mind

The track sees the emerging boy band reaching for stardom on their first single

The track sees the emerging boy band reaching for stardom on their first single

Hotly-tipped to be the next boy band to break through the glass ceiling of modern music and emerge into genuine global stars, Absnt Mind have surpassed expectations with the release of their immersive debut single ‘No Strings’, a heartfelt and anthemic single that is packed full of youthful energy and drive throughout.

The track has an incessantly charismatic and poppy charm to it throughout, wearing their hearts on their sleeves and asking for something real and genuine in a relationship, claiming that they can’t do ‘No Strings’ and strive for something more authentic. The track lays a really solid foundation for the group and their sound, and it will be interesting to see how far their engrossing style and contemporary pop appeal will take them.