‘If You Wanted To You Would’ is a dreamy and captivating release from Annie and the Jays

The rising Scottish band shine on their engrossing debut single

The rising Scottish band shine on their engrossing debut single

On their atmospheric and dreamy debut single ‘If You Wanted To You Would’, Scottish indie outfit Annie and the Jays immediately look to make a mark on the UK music scene with a wistful and immersive exploration of attraction and the anxiety and angst that comes with the unknown state of reciprocation that many listeners can relate to and resonate with.

The engrossing tone of the instrumentation here and Annie’s enchanting vocal style ensure that the track maintains a fun and thoughtful tone to it throughout, creating the feeling of anticipation and sparks flying that these kinds of situations tend to evoke from you with a deftness and ease that feels catchy and charming. The track is a really encouraging debut from the band and one that will have put them on the radar of ourselves as well as many others, and we can’t wait to hear what they have in store next.