‘April Fools In February’ is a quirky piece of indie pop storytelling from Beck Pete

The track continues to place a shine on the artist's unique charisma and charm.

The track continues to place a shine on the artist’s unique charisma and charm.

The idea that love and being in a loving relationship is the glue that holds everything else in our lives together is a tale that it seems like we are told from the instant that we are born. Beck Pete is someone who seems to think so too, and Beck Pete thinks that this is bullshit.

On her latest track, the engaging ‘April Fools In February’, the artist recounts the moment that she realised these things weren’t enough to paper over these crack and make things seem okay. In her relatable and charismatic manner, the artist tells the story of an idealized romantic connection that had Beck thinking that she had found the one. However, this long distance relationship turned sour immediately as the couple reconnected in-person for the first time in years.

The track itself though, has a lot more luck than its narrator. Blessed with effortlessly engaging vocals, a fun instrumental, and authentic-feeling storytelling that highlights the affable charms of the artist, ‘April Fools In February’ is a sarcastic and often miserable retelling of events from Beck Pete, but her winning charisma and engrossing writing make for a fun experience finding out all about it.