‘All Our Friends!!’ is the wonderfully weird and engaging debut release from Berlin w/ Strings

The track does a spectacular job of establishing the artist's unique brand of orchestral, cinematic indie pop.

The track does a spectacular job of establishing the artist’s unique brand of orchestral, cinematic indie pop.

Orchestral, cinematic indie pop is something that, to my knowledge, hasn’t really been attempted all that much before, but if you’re thinking that that is probably with good reason, then Berlin w/ Strings is an artist that you’re going to have to find yourself familiarised with. The brand new singer-songwriter project of Max Berlin sees the artist take these elements and craft them into a really fun and candid feeling listening experience that somehow managed to feel both grand and cinematic while possessing an authentic, conversational quality.

The track has a really effortlessly new and distinctive feel to it throughout, both within its writing and the artist’s cutting, self-aware lyrics. This is complimented masterfully by the aforementioned blend of a studio orchestra, film music, and indie pop, which, as much as it sounds like it shouldn’t work, has a really rousing, an endearingly earnest and distinctive feel to it. At times sounding like a cinematic score for a quirky indie film, and at times sounding like the Nintendo Wii Mii Channel music, but always feeling like a worthwhile journey.

Bonus points for getting the immeasurably catchy chorus of “all your friends are shitty people” whirring around our heads for days on end.