Carlay explores betrayal and infidelity on her stirring new single ‘nobody else!’

The rousing new single continues to showcase her unique personable appeal

The rousing new single continues to showcase her unique personable appeal

On her vulnerable and heartfelt new single ‘nobody else!’, exciting Canadian artist Carlay explores the heart-wrenching feeling of being cheated on and played in a relationship, bringing the story to life with her thoughtful storytelling and immersive soundscape.

The track has a really compelling feel to it throughout, with the slick and wordy nature of the track providing the artist’s magnetic charisma and personality to shine, as she unveils a truly memorable and raw lyrical exploration of how it feels to catch someone out and the way that it makes you feel. Carlay’s star continues to shine with each new release from the artist, and ‘nobody else!’ just feels like another facet to her alluring appeal and charm.