‘Psychos In Love’ is an intense new revenge ballad from Cheska Moore

The artist follows up on her incredible 2023 in typically creative and dynamic fashions

The artist follows up on her incredible 2023 in typically creative and dynamic fashions

Always more than happy to show off her cutting edge appeal and boundless creativity, Cheska Moore‘s sound and style feels fresher than ever on her brand new revenge ballad ‘Psychos In Love’, a track that feels as cathartic and emotional as it does unpredictable.

Juxtaposing the gentle allure of a music box with sudden moments of unrestrained guitar riffs and intensity, the track mirrors the “psycho” theme as much through its structure as much as through its lyrics. The track unravels as it progresses, descending into chaos and unrest as the narrative of a love gone wrong grows increasingly frantic and volatile. ‘Psychos In Love’ is a track that feels intensely passionate and disconcerting, and provides Cheska with the perfect platform to showcase the versatility and nuance of her razor-sharp style.