‘If I Could’ is a rewarding and uplifting new single from Christine Tarquinio

The track is the third single of 2024 from the engrossing Melbourne artist

The track is the third single of 2024 from the engrossing Melbourne artist

Lauded for the charming and tender nature of her resonating and often moving sounds and narratives, Melbourne based pop singer-songwriter Christine Tarquinio is somebody who’s work is characterised by its consistency, maintaining an allure and appeal that feels as authentic and powerful as it does captivating.

The latest single from the artist comes in the form of ‘If I Could’, a track that explores the relationships that we have with our loved ones and the people around us and the need for belonging and equality within these bonds. Being surrounded with support and understanding is something that feels obvious and given, but these assurances are something that can be sorely missed when things fall apart and don’t go as we planned, and the single does a really nice job of encapsulating that kind of hope and strength that we find within each other. This makes for a really rewarding and engrossing listening experience throughout, and one that might just push you to reach out to somebody you love and let you know that you’re thinking about them.

“We sometimes get caught up in our day to day lives and don’t always let our nearest and dearest know exactly how we are feeling.” explains Christine. “When it matters most, there is this understanding that you will do what is necessary.”