Coupdekat continues to riff on online dating on new release ‘Lost in Translation’

The unique artist continues to establish her eclectic sound

The unique artist continues to establish her eclectic sound

Covid and Brexit collectively have been a bitter cocktail for a lot of people in the UK to swallow, but imagine the impact of these things if you were in a long distance relationship with somebody from abroad. Coupdekat does exactly that on her new single ‘Lost in Translation’, and in her own unique and often frenetic way.

The track features all of the distinctive quirks and weird little sonic moments that you would expect from the artist at this point, while painting a vivid picture of the frustrations that this situation would throw up. ‘Lost in Translation’ and its bizarre left turns and quirks ensure that the track feels interesting and engaging throughout, and Coupdekat, if nothing else, is really establishing herself as one of UK music’s more eclectic and memorable emerging talents.