‘Farewell to My Youth’ is a dynamic and deeply personal single from Emily Ricks

The artist continues to show off her compelling and impactful style on her third single

The artist continues to show off her compelling and impactful style on her third single

On her deeply engrossing and personal third single ‘Farewell to my Youth’, Emily Ricks explores the rollercoaster that has been her life so far and tries to come to terms with the amount of change and life events that she has had to contend and come to terms with, making for a vulnerable and powerful track that is packed full of heart and the artist’s distinctive, charismatic charm.

The vibrant and impactful soundscape does a great way of mirroring the stakes and intensity of the narrative, with the artist channelling her experiences, including  losing her dad at 12 years old, to starring in the Oscar winning film Toy Story 3, to having major aortic surgery to save her life at 18, into a raw-edged and compelling track that is packed full of drama, intrigue, and personality. Stylistically, the track has a dynamic and catchy feel to it that ensures that it feels as melodic as it does impactful, singling her out as a one-of-a-kind artist with captivating stories to tell and a wonderfully well-rounded sound.