‘Sick & Tired’ is an empowering and defiant new single from emma miller

The track is the first single from an upcoming new EP from the artist

The track is the first single from an upcoming new EP from the artist

On her introspective new single ‘Sick & Tired’, exciting Scottish artist emma miller takes aim at some of her inner demons and issues and sees her showcasing a defiance and power that feels all-encompassing and engaging throughout.

The track has a really stirring feel to it stylistically throughout, with the composure and strength that pours through the artist’s vocals and lyrics leaving an indelible mark on you as a listener and making the sound as a whole feel all that more impactful and resonating. Dealing with demons such as these is something that many people will be able to relate to and find common ground with, and the way that the artist tackles these issues head on with such grace feels inspiring and empowering.

“Writing ‘Sick & Tired’ was a kind of ‘fuck you’ to my own inner demons and the social pressures we can put ourselves under.” emma miller says of the track. “I still relate to it on a deep level but it feels good to be in a different place today.”