‘Not Cool Anymore’ is an powerful and melancholy new release from Etherdene

The emotionally wrought new single continues to highlight the artist's immersive songwriting and appeal

The emotionally wrought new single continues to highlight the artist’s immersive songwriting and appeal

Always one to pull on heartstrings with her relatable and engrossing sound, celebrated rising artist Etherdene has continued to highlight her nuance and storytelling charm on her latest single ‘Not Cool Anymore’, a track about being taken surprise by companion and friend letting you down.

The tone of the guitars and dynamic instrumentation make for one of the heaviest Etherdene releases to date, and this does a great job of echoing the gravity and intensity of the track, with the rawness and emotion of the artist shining through throughout. Fans of Etherdene’s work will find a lot to love here, on a track where the artist takes the emotion and pent up feelings the she has grown known for and expresses them in a more powerful and direct manner than ever before.