‘Last Best Lover’ is an energetic and fun new single from ettie

The artist unabashedly celebrates queer love on her latest single

The artist unabashedly celebrates queer love on her latest single

From the second that latest ettie single ‘Last Best Lover’ begins, the artist’s energetic and anthemic alternative pop sound shines through, showcasing a sound that is packed full of life and charm throughout thanks to ettie’s winning personality and confident allure.

The new release is a queer love anthem that is loud, brash, and unashamed about everything that it represents, ready for the world in rousing style. The guitars have an alternative rock edge to them while the catchy hooks and memorable melodies give it an upbeat poppy charm that feels exciting and fresh, destined to find its way into playlists and hearts all over. The central theme of the artist’s sound and appeal is one of telling people, herself and others, that its okay to be who you are and be true to yourself and your feelings, and this track makes doing just that sound effortlessly fun throughout.