‘Comedian’ is a reflective and immersive sophomore release from Gin Wife

The track follows the release of the Nashville artist's 2023 debut single 'Rat Race'

The track follows the release of the Nashville artist’s 2023 debut single ‘Rat Race’

Gorgeously poised and packed full of emotional intimacy and thoughtful songwriting, latest Gin Wife single ‘Comedian’ sees the artist reflecting on a past relationship and realising that they were never really taken seriously, making the sickening realisation and feeling like a joke in the process.

The composure within the sound and vocals and the engrossing way that it unfolds makes for a really smooth and engrossing listening experience throughout, with the relatable gut punch of the lyrics providing a really thought-provoking contrast to a sound that feels flowing and chilled out in its style. All in all, this makes for a really compelling and captivating listening experience that a lot of listeners will relate to and take solace in, an excellent sophomore single from an artist who is really establishing themself as a wonderfully well rounded performer.