‘I Feel Strange’ is a thoughtful and anthemic new single from King No-One

The track is the band's first single since the release of their EP The Dead Hotel earlier this year.

The track is the band’s first single since the release of their EP The Dead Hotel earlier this year.

With their infectious energy and emotional resonance, King No-One have have grown into one of modern alternative rock’s most potent forces. A band that always seem to have something important or profound to say, and always have a larger than life way to bring it our attention, the outfit have rightfully been lauded for their prowess and charm as of late, with the latest single to showcase just what makes them feel so special being ‘I Feel Strange’.

The track sees the outfit pondering the complexities and difficulties of modern life, taking on an anthemic, soaring form throughout that climaxes at each one of the track’s absolutely mammoth choruses. When you actually take some time to have a deep think about the way that the world works and the systems that it embodies that can send you for quite a sobering headspin, and that is exactly what happened to frontman Zach Lount, who matches these kinds of feelings with one of his most intense and inspired vocal performances to date. ‘I Feel Strange’ is a track that feels as thoughtful as it does melodic, and as soaring and impactful as it does poignant, and the dichotomy and oddities of its multi-faceted appeal are just another quirk that we’re going to have to learn to live with.

“I Feel Strange was written whilst I was at a real crossroad, when I took an abstract view on life – Like why we pay £x a month to live in a concrete cage in a city centre full of others in tiny spaces, or being mugged on your doorstep, or all of a sudden massive corporations have LGBTQ+ branding for a week a year, or oil allowing neoliberalism to construct our society whilst being the death of the natural world… or the fact Neville from Harry Potter became insanely handsome.” Zach says of the track.

“Then I just had to think, well – this is the world, this is humanity and I’m here now. I’ll stick around.”