‘Nothing Ever Really Matters’ is a cutting edge and alluring new single from Lauren Dejey

The track is the second single from an upcoming new EP from the independent artist 

The track is the second single from an upcoming new EP from the independent artist

On her deeply poignant and engrossing new single ‘Nothing Ever Really Matters’, Lauren Dejey melds thoughtful songwriting with intoxicating soundscapes, continuing to demonstrate her impactful artistry and charismatic allure, bridging the gap between style and substance in compelling fashion.

Narratively, the track explores the feeling of falling in love with your best friend, the moments of indecision, whether to risk it all and take the plunge or discard all of the tension and emotion as being in your head. The relatable edge of the lyrics and vibrant cutting edge of the sound makes for a track that feels multi-faceted and infectious for a number of reasons, with Lauren Dejey’s star continuing to rise as she builds an increasingly consistent and impressive catalogue of instantly memorable electro-pop gems.