‘Active!’ is a bold and energy-packed first release from Cambridge trio LAY / BYE

The rising UK alternative band establish a fierce and dynamic sound on their new debut single

The rising UK alternative band establish a fierce and dynamic sound on their new debut single

On their emphatic new debut single ‘Active!’, rising Cambridge alternative rock trio LAY / BYE continue to show off a distinctive and exciting sound that melds playful indie pop sensibilities with crunching garage rock soundscapes that brings out the fun and the dynamism of both genres in compelling fashion.

The track’s defiant and explosive nature feels riotously fun from the outset, immediately setting the tone with a stomping riff that evokes the spirit of bands like Cleopatrick and Royal Blood. This sense of rawness and power is something that characterises their sound throughout, with the band tackling themes like egos, friendship, loss and the human condition, making for a relatable and engrossing listen that establishes their distinctive charm in enticing fashion. We love the direction of this sound and the guile and personality that drips from it throughout, and look forward to hearing what else the young band have in store.