Mario Vayne continues to create a buzz on his soaring second single ‘Electric’

The track follows the artist’s stellar 2023 debut ‘Baby’

Leaving an emphatic mark on the modern rock and roll with his 2023 single ‘Baby’, Queensland’s Mario Vayne is looking to build on that momentum and hype with the release of his soaring follow-up ‘Electric’, a track that feels exactly as powerful and invigorating as its title suggests.

From the searching guitar riffs to the artist’s emphatic vocals, the track feels like a stunning ode to rock and pop that has a timeless, nostalgic allure. It’s hard not to get swept up into the energetic power of the track, as Mario takes a plethora of influences and styles and moulds them into a sound that feels fierce and expansive while maintaining a cathartic, melodic sensibility that feels both inspiring and captivating.