‘All I Want For Christmas Is (anything but) You’ is a unique take on Christmas songs from Matt Hires

The track deals with some of the more difficult aspects of the holiday season

The track deals with some of the more difficult aspects of the holiday season

On his engrossing new emo-tinged single ‘All I Want For Christmas Is (anything but) You’, Matt Hires explores some of the more difficult things that can come with the holiday season, dealing with the loss of a marriage or relationship and all of the emotions that come with it that are amplified by the time of year.

The track has a really powerful and stirring core to the sound and the artist’s delivery, giving it a real believability and earnestness that wouldn’t feel out of place on an Aaron West and the Roaring Twenties album. This emotional heft makes for a really engrossing listen throughout, packed full of heart and conflicted feelings as the artist tries to navigate his way through the time of year and come to terms with the changes and upheaval that is going on in his life. This earnest nature and the impactful nature of the instrumentation and vocals makes for a really immersive track that feels as heart-wrenching as it is captivating throughout.