‘Wind Up Merchant’ is a charismatic and forward-thinking first release from My First Time

The Bristol based band showcase their fun, unique style on their debut single.

The Bristol based band showcase their fun, unique style on their debut single.

There are a few ways to make a statement with your debut single, with two of those being boasting a forward-thinking and creative sound that feels fresh and exciting and showcasing a fun, songwriting flair that feels culturally relevant while boasting a similar fun appeal and charm. Bristol based quartet My First Time have done both on their debut single ‘Wind Up Merchant’.

The fiercely exciting outfit have carved out a sound that feels almost like post-post-punk, taking the bite and guile of the genre but splicing it with a thoughtful charm that feels altogether more melodic and light-hearted. Narratively the track takes aim at your stereotypical Jack the Lad, the classic “it’s just banter” mate or relative you have that somehow manages to take everything too far and has abhorrent views about literally everything. From the prowess of the sound to the relatable angst of the lyrics, ‘Wind Up Merchant’ is a track that feels like an outlier in a crowded scene full of similar sounds and stories, and it will be fun to see what the band do next with their creative and memorable, charismatic style.