Office for Personal Development – You Are In Control

The brand new single from Office for Personal Development is the talk of the town

The brand new single from Office for Personal Development is the talk of the town

The brand new motivational communique by the Office for Personal Development is a rallying cry to smash self-imposed restraints, a call to arms to break free of your self-perceptions, to question everything you take for granted about yourself and the world around you in order to arrive at a place where everything is possible.

When I was sent this explosive track, I couldn’t get enough of it and left it on repeat.

Speaking about the release, the group share, “You Are In Control. Your hands are on the wheel. You can let go if you want to. If you need to.

When there’s nothing left to try but risk it all. Because everything you have and are is now worthless. It was always worthless. But now you see it.

There is no more risk. There is no more reward. You Are In Control of what happens next. Only you expect you to be you. Make change constant. Never stand still.

Those who seek to pull you back or slow you down will soon be left behind. You are everything and you are nothing simultaneously to everyone and no one. You Are In Control. Control. Control”

Somewhere between Pet Shop Boys and today’s synth-pop world, Office for Personal Development are the motivational group you need in your life.