‘DMH’ is a cinematic and expansive new release from Strange Souvenirs

The German brothers continue to expand upon the scope of their nostalgic sound

The German brothers continue to expand upon the scope of their nostalgic sound

German brothers Thomas Juhnke and Matthias Juhnke are Strange Souvenirs, a duo that craft immersive western-tinged Americana that instantly transports you to a seedy world of saloons, gunslingers, and deserted mines.

Their latest single ‘DMH’ is a cinematic and captivating release that tackles a classic trope in westerns, the lone stranger that wonders into a new town met with dirty looks and flaring tempers. The palpable sense of tension rises throughout the track, building to an emphatic showdown that fully deserves its rich orchestral arrangement. The sound here feels distinctive and engrossing from the moment it starts, nostalgic in its style but with a slick modern edge that breathes life into the style, continuing to to add to the legend of Strange Souvenirs.