‘Flashlight’ is an expansive and engrossing new release from taddtheartist

The track does a great job of highlighting the artist's dreamy and atmospheric appeal

The track does a great job of highlighting the artist’s dreamy and atmospheric appeal

Despite being the happiest time of your life, for many people getting married can bring up mixed or apprehensive feelings, especially if the idea of such a strong and binding commitment is something that fills them with fear and a sense of dread, as explored in latest taddtheartist single ‘Flashlight’.

The immersive feel of the vocals and atmospheric soundscape does a great job of setting the tone on the track, creating a sense of tension and a palpable sense of energy which maintaining an engrossing and memorable R&B-tinged alternative pop sound. ‘Flashlight’ is a track that feels packed full of distinctive charm and appeal, and is a masterclass in how taddtheartist uses his captivating production and creative appeal to transport you into a situation or feeling that feels gripping throughout.