‘Back In Time’ is a powerful rock and roll anthem from Tatum Quinn

The track is the artist's first release since an impressive stream of 2022 singles


The track is the artist’s first release since an impressive stream of 2022 singles

Her powerhouse vocal style and emphatic and raw, rock and roll aesthetic have seen Tatum Quinn rise to prominence over the last few years, boasting a timeless and nostalgic tone and feel that harks back to the glory days of the genre while still packing an eclectic modern edge that feels fierce and impactful.

The artist’s latest single ‘Back In Time’ is a gritty and hard-hitting track that is packed full of dynamism and energy throughout, melding upbeat, gritty riffs with vocals that feel packed full of personality and rawness throughout. If you’re somebody who finds themselves bemoaning the state of modern music and wishing that it would go back to its more authentic and impactful place, then this track provides everything that you could have hoped for. Impassioned lyrics, anthemic vocals and a riffy, all-encompassing cutting edge.