‘Celebrate The Good Times’ is a scathing and ironic new release from multi-national alternative trio THE HYBRIS

The track follows the release of the CLOUT lauded 'Impostor Syndrome'.

The track follows the release of the CLOUT lauded ‘Impostor Syndrome’.

The weird and wonderful world that THE HYBRIS exist in has consistently landed us with immersive, unique feeling and raw-edged alternative rock tracks that are packed full of deep messages and fun moments from wannabe comic superheroes Ringo Rabbit, Beanie Bison and Malcolm Mandrill.

Their latest single, ‘Celebrate The Good Times’, is an emphatic statement that sees the outfit pushing back against the establishment, the privileged and the “elite” and the doom and gloom that they seem to be subjecting the rest of us to at an ever-growing level. The track has this cheerful, rousing exterior that belies the darkness of its premise, ironically calling for listeners to celebrate the “good” times with catchy abandon. THE HYBRIS continue to feel inescapably interesting and fun to listen to with each new release, and this track is just the latest showcase of their unique charisma and staying power.