‘I Don’t Want You To Have To Remember Me For Longer Than You Ever Knew Me’ is a moving new collaboration from Tom A. Smith and Swim School

Tom and Alice's vocals showcase a rousing and engrossing chemistry throughout the new release

Tom and Alice’s vocals showcase a rousing and engrossing chemistry throughout the new release

On their powerful new collaboration ‘I Don’t Want You To Have To Remember Me For Longer Than You Ever Knew Me’, celebrated British artists Tom A. Smith and Swim School have come together to create a tender and moving new single that feels engrossing and compelling from the moment that it begins, the obvious abundance of talent from both Tom and Swim School vocalist Alice Johnson shining throughout.

Thematically, the track sees the artists passionately delving into a narrative that seems to be all too familiar in modern times, with people slipping away from each other and being left with just memories of each other, and sees Tom and Alice utilising their vocal chemistry to form an impassioned plea to each other to prevent that from happening. The chemistry between their vocals and the stirring nature of the track make for some really emotionally charged and poignant moments here, and each artist gets to shine and glow in a rousing and resonating fashion.

Speaking about the new track, he said, “This is in my opinion the best and most personal song I’ve ever written. I’ve met Alice and the Swim School guys and really love everything they’ve done and think our vocals complement each other perfectly. She was so innovative when working out her harmonies to the point that I can’t imagine it without her. I’m so excited for everyone to hear it and the full-length version”