‘Boy + Girl’ is a characteristically charismatic and fun new release from Wotts

The track is third and final release from their new EP Good People, Bad People

The track is third and final release from their new EP Good People, Bad People

Genre-fluid and packed full of energy and ideas, Ottowa duo Wotts are a band that have been hard to avoid for followers of this website over the last few years, with their eclectic and varied array of tunes, varying from whirry indie pop to dynamic alternative rock, consistently winning over our applause and adoration.

The latest addition to their arsenal comes in the form of ‘Boy + Girl’, a track that delves deep into their bag of influences and continues to meld modern and retro sounds in their own distinctive way. The track is the final release from their new EP Good People, Bad People, and balances its catchy poppiness with an expansive soul in a similar vein to the work of artists like Tame Impala and Dayglow. Something that does remain consistent regardless of how much the duo experiment with their sound, is this cohesive, unique personality and charisma that they bring to the table that ties everything together, and this track continues to showcase that in abundance.