‘Laundry’ is a punchy and post-punk-influenced new single from Wotts

The track is the third single of an already excellent 2024 for the duo

The track is the third single of an already excellent 2024 for the duo

Having established themselves as a creative indie pop outfit with a dynamic and colourful sound over the last few years, more recent times have seen Ottawa duo Wotts looking to broaden the confines of the sound and flex a bit more of an expansive and genre-fluid approach, delving into other styles and genres while maintaining their distinctive allure.

The latest track to highlight this approach is brand new single ‘Laundry’, a track that delves into a murkier post-punk-influenced style that has more of a cutting and forthright approach sonically. The guitars and rhythms feel laser-focussed and dynamic throughout, and the track moves with an intensity and drive that feels gripping and powerful throughout. As the band continue to dip into a variety of styles and approaches, they have done a remarkable job of maintaining the consistency and appeal of their outfit, ensuring that their signature charm still felt regardless of what corners they push their sound into.