‘I Don’t Want To Be Lonely Anymore’ is an intimate and powerful new release from Zoe Konez

The track follows the release of her stunning recent single 'This Utopia'

The track follows the release of her stunning recent single ‘This Utopia’

On her stirring and impactful new single ‘I Don’t Want To Be Lonely Anymore’, engrossing indie-folk artist Zoe Konez continues to establish the disarming power and beauty in her sound and the poignant nature of her writing, further cementing herself as one of the stand out voices in the UK at the moment.

The track explores the familiar and harrowing feeling of loneliness, longing for a real connection and yearning for change. The warm, layered track touches on themes like mental health and instability in a way that feels tenderly authentic and real while addressing issues that many people struggle with all the time, cementing the intimate and moving appeal of the Brighton artist and the powerful allure of her soft sound. Alongside a message of loneliness and fear, the track is ultimately a message to open up and share how you feel, as you may stumble across others who feel the same way, and the world would be a lot less scary and lonely if we managed to find a common ground with each other and share these stories to dampen the effect that it has on us.

“In the lyrics, I’m noticing that I’m lonely, and considering that you might be too. Making the first steps to think about how to reach out from a place of solitude. In observing my own day-to-day life, I recognise that I’m not trying, I’m almost just giving in to the present situation and withdrawing further in a spiral. But in calling it out, I’m acknowledging that life is just going to pass me by if I don’t make changes now, and that I need to start to work out how to connect again.” Zoe Konez shares.