UpClose with Syren

As part of our UpClose series, this week we caught up with unique UK rapper Syren.

Having cut his teeth in the London underground scene yet packing a sound that feels distinctively US influenced in nature, Syren is an artist that feels like something new. Whether it is his foward-thinking, futuristic sounds and concepts, or the immersive and engaging beats and flows that the artist works with, one thing that Syren can’t be accused of is lacking creativity.

His latest release is the EP Hope It Hurts, an offering that sees the artist continue to wear his influences on his sleeve but continue to push his sound into his own, unique direction. With live music set to open its doors fully in the near future and Syren continuing to grow in acclaim and notoriety, we had a chat with the emerging artist and found out some more about their plans.

Syren. It’s great to have a chat! We love your music as you well know. Tell us a bit more about your new EP?

Means the world. ‘Hope It Hurts’ is just a handful of songs I made in the last couple months that I feel are perfect for the summer. They ain’t too serious, they’re more just to have fun with, especially after the shit we’ve all been through the last year and a bit.

What part of the musical process do you enjoy most, and why? is it performing live, creating your tracks, or..?

My favourite parts gotta be the excitement when you first discover the initial idea for the track. When you realise what you’re going for and the energy and the potential the song has. It just evokes this drive inside me which makes it easy to finish and complete the track.

The last 12 months and the pandemic have been crazy for musicians, how much has it had an affect on your music?

Well my shits really just been going up and up in terms of streams and exposure. I’ve found lockdown quite beneficial when it comes to focusing on creating as much content as I can. I’ve been able to put all my attention towards music, improving everyday and getting a crazy work ethic. It’s all I’ve been doing and that shit is so fulfilling. 

If you could create a ‘Syren Festival’, which 3 artists would you have headlining? (Fri, Sat, Sun)

Fri: Don Toliver. Sat: Lancey Foux. Sun: Future

Your biggest headline show yet takes place in October at the O2 Islington, tell us, what should we expect?

It’s gonna be like nun’ else. Everyone who comes is my family, so the energy will be like nothing you’ve ever experienced. Imma give every single person who pulls up the night of they’re life (stfu that ain’t sus). I really give 100% at any show I do. You’re not gonna wanna miss this so make sure you get a ticket! 8th October, O2 Islington. Be there. 
