We found out some more about emlyn, an emerging singer-songwriter with the potential to be one of the future faces of pop.
LA-based alt-pop artist seem to have, through her debut EP confessions of a drama queen alone, established herself as an artist with a unique and multi-faceted sound that is packed full of boundless potential and a real ability to mix things up. From the razor sharp jaggedness of ‘cruel world’, to the emotional balladry of ‘a thousand parties’, to the all out explosive pop of viral hit ‘B.O.M.B’, emlyn has rapidly gained a reputation as an artist who can switch things up as and when she pleases.
While the EP has a tendency to push and pull her sound into different directions, there is an emlyn DNA that runs throughout and is prevalent within her writing, tying it together in a way that feels seamless and natural. We had a chat with the emerging artist and found out some more about the influences behind her shape-shifting sound and what more we should expect from the exciting upstart.
Who TF is emlyn?
Haha! I am an alternative pop artist born & raised Nashville, TN and currently living in Los Angeles, CA. I am songwriter, a producer, a dog lover, and I try to be a badass.
How long have you been making music?
I grew up singing from the age of 2 or 3 in my dad’s studio, but began writing music at 11 or 12. Just in the last couple years I’ve begun experimenting with solo production and more recently playing a hand in it alongside my collaborators which has been very exciting!
Why do you make music?
What a great question. I make music to express my emotions. I feel things very deeply on all different spectrums- from deeply happy, to empowered, to heartbroken. My goal is to tell my story and use it to connect with people all over. But generally, when people listen to my music, i want them to feel something with me.
What are your biggest influences?
I grew up listening to all sorts of music; from my brother introducing me to bands like Green Day, Nirvana, and AC/DC, to classic singer/songwriter story-telling type of music, all the way to my favorite pop like Britney, *NSYNC, and Kelly Clarkson. I feel that i incorporate a little bit of the grunge, pop, and storytelling from all of them.

What would you say has been your best moment so far?
In the music industry, I would say my favorite moment so far was having a video leaking my song “B.O.M.B.” go viral on TikTok. It wasn’t so much the accomplishment or the numbers that mattered to me, but just seeing so many people’s comments sharing how this empowering break up anthem helped them through a difficult time or changed their perspective meant the world. I, myself, had just gone through a brutal heartbreak, so it felt like we were all in it together healing and growing.
How would you describe your sound to somebody unfamiliar with it?
I would say it’s grunge pop. You can definitely hear influences of Taylor Swift in my writing with the storytelling, sometimes satirical, and usually visual imagery. But my vocals are belty and powerful similar to artists like Demi Lovato, Kelly Clarkson, or sometimes Paramore.
What’s your dream “I’ve made it” moment?
Honestly just being able to tour my music and connect with fans about my songs is the most important thing to me. Accolades are less important than impact in my opinion. My only goal in music, as it pertains to my listeners is to make them feel safe and seen. Whether it’s crying to a song about heartbreak and allowing themselves to process their emotions, or feeling like a bad bitch in moments where they need a pep talk, that’s all I really care about.
We love your new EP confessions of a drama queen, what was the process like putting it together?
Thank you so much! The process was really quite insane, as most of it was done over ZOOM throughout the pandemic. Collaborating virtually can be a challenge at times, but luckily i felt very creatively inspired throughout my time at home. Also working with producers who I trusted and understood my vision was something i appreciated so much. I’m happy to see it formed like the cohesive project i imagined from the beginning.
What else does emlyn have planned going forward?
I hope to continue to release new music and just share it and grow with my fans. I am writing some of my favorite music right now and constantly trying to push the envelope in my writing and vocal performance. As soon as it becomes safe, I hope to tour and start connecting with everyone in person!
And finally, who is your biggest fan right now?
I have some of the most amazing fans who go so hard for me. They host streaming parties together on ZOOM, comment and share everything I post, and most of all just make me feel so loved and supported. Even a couple of them have gotten tattoos with my lyrics which blows my mind! It would be impossible to pick just one of them because I love them all so much and i’m so grateful for them.