‘Calling It’ is a emotionally resonating tale of self-sabotage and overthinking in love from Aymee Weir

The track is the prolific artist's first release of 2022

The track is the prolific artist’s first release of 2022

Since 2018, Aymee Weir has been steadily carving out a niche for herself in the UK pop scene with her thoughtful and often ethereal sounds.

The latest of her releases and the first of 2022 is the new single ‘Calling It’, and gentle and measured single that highlights the soft vocals and emotive writing of the artist. Soft electronics and guitars wash over the track that create a lush and rousing soundscape, providing a warm backdrop for a more melancholy narrative of self-sabotage and over-thinking. The track is a wonderfully layered and thought-provoking release that provides a lot to get immersed in, whether at its lush surface level or when delving deeper into the narrative.