‘Innocent Days’ is emerging UK artist Becca James at her most all-encompassing and assured

The track showcases everything that is vibrant and exciting about the artist.

The track showcases everything that is vibrant and exciting about the artist.

Through a steady stream of releases over the last few years, emerging London-based alt-pop artist Becca James has showcased a flair for the dramatic and emotional, armed with an arsenal of captivating and thoughtful releases that highlight her unique appeal and charm.

The latest of these releases is her new single ‘Innocent Days’, a track about breaking free of dangerous, perpetuating cycles and breaking through to a place of renewed liberation and innocence. The character and sheer personality of the artist’s vocals sells the gravity of the situation perfectly, providing the lyrics with the weight and emotional resonance that they deserve. There is a real sense of rawness and honesty to this sound that feels unparalleled, lifting Becca to new heights as she reveals the most assured and all-encompassing side of her sound to date.