‘My Body’ is an aggressive and empowering pro-choice anthem from a fed up Cat Valley

The track is from their upcoming new EP Bingo Queen. 

The track is from their upcoming new EP Bingo Queen.

On their suitably intense and raw new single ‘My Body’, US garage punk band Cat Valley showcase their distain and anger at the current oppressive state of politics in the nations, with things like body autonomy and the overturning of Roe vs Wade explored in truly absorbing, emphatic fashion throughout the track.

The track’s rousing pro-choice message feels as compelling and decisive as anything that you’re likely to hear soon. The sheer energy and defiance of the vocal performances feels equal parts dripping with rage and holding a sincere, anxious vulnerability. This is music created by a group of people who are sick of being dictated to and having other people try to make their decisions for them, and every inch of the frustration and tiredness is etched across the uncompromisingly powerful vocals and performances. ‘My Body’ is a rallying cry from Cat Valley, an empowering message of solidarity and oneness with all those affected by oppressive policies and  tyrannical powers, and it evokes the spirit and ethos of punk and defiance in stirring fashion.