‘Out of the Window’ is a new psychedelic love song from Dead Swells

The track is the lead single from their upcoming self-titled LP.

The track is the lead single from their upcoming self-titled LP.

‘Out of the Window’ is a track that is built to mirror the intricacies and twists and turns that a new relationship takes. Initially a carefree, synth-laden psychedelic breeze, the track mutated and grows darker as it progresses.

Once the initial euphoria of the relationship (and the track), subsides, looming insecurities take center-stage, and the track deftly addresses this tonal shift. The change in vibe never feels forced or predictable, but rather creeps up on you, similarly to how all of your fears and anxieties rear their heads unexpectedly.

The track is careful and measured, and does a great job of conveying these emotions of euphoria, fear and insecurity through its sounds. ‘Out of the Window’ holds a mirror up to relationships and the lurking worry that bad times can always be around the corner, and does it very well, as well as being an enjoyable and at times moving psychedelic rock that on the surface.