‘Stupid’ is an empowering and cathartic new single from Emma Grace

The track is from the rising artist's thoughtful and memorable debut album Changing

The track is from the rising artist’s thoughtful and memorable debut album Changing

With the release of her immersive and dynamic debut album Changing, Emma Grace explores themes like coming of age, love and self-worth with a sense of composure and charm that feels instantly alluring and captivating, using her personal experiences and nuanced songwriting to paint compelling narratives and sounds that make for a engrossing listening experience throughout.

A track that highlights the thoughtful appeal of the album is single ‘Stupid’, a release that showcases the artist in defiant form as she frees herself from a situation of toxicity and gaslighting and puts on an emboldened, empowered performance that sees her rising above it entirely. The soft power of her fierce vocals and alluring charm of her indie pop sound make for a listening experience that lasts long in the memory, and provides a snapshot of the rewarding nature of an album that sucks you into its diverse appeal and the captivating nature of the artist’s relatable and often raw-edged writing that pulls no punches.