‘Glances In The Dark’ is a nuanced new indie pop single from Flat Party

The track is just the fourth single from the exciting young band.

The track is just the fourth single from the exciting young band.

On their thoughtful fourth single ‘Glances In The Dark’, London based indie outfit Flat Party continue to showcase the multi-faceted nuance and charm of their sound and style, packing a sense of gravity and intricacy within their sound that feels rewarding and refreshing.

The track explores themes like betrayal and lovelessness in a way that feels articulate yet abstract, creating an atmosphere throughout the track through the unique mixture of art-rock prowess and engrossing, poignant storytelling. The end result is a mixture of style and substance that doesn’t allow either to outshine the other. Whether you’re looking to pick out the nuances and stylistic quirks of the track or lose yourself within its melancholy and immersive narrative, there is a lot to sink your teeth into here as Flat Party continue to establish their sound and appeal.

“‘Glances In The Dark’ began as an old demo from ages ago that I stumbled upon earlier this year. It originally sounded too much like a Sonic Youth B-side – faster, heavier and less nuanced than it is now. During a creative lull, I decided to revisit it, drawing a lot of inspiration from Alex G. However, as we started playing it live, ‘Glances’ took on a sound that’s now distinctly ours.” Vocalist Jack Lawther continued, saying “It’s a song about betrayal and lovelessness. The imagery throughout the lyrics was heavily inspired by the work of [Hong Kong film director and screenwriter] Wong Kar-wai.”