‘Convince My Mind’ is the heartbreaking, captivating and thoroughly exciting debut single from Gild Walton.

On her debut single, Gild Walton establishes herself as a unique talent with a eye opening story.

On her debut single, Gild Walton establishes herself as a unique talent with a eye opening story.

‘Convince My Mind’ is the debut single from California-born songwriter, pianist, composer, and vocalist Gild Walton, and what a statement it is. The track is a bouncy and memorable piano-led riot that is packed full of more than it’s fair share of darkness and intrigue.

The track is intensely raw and cathartic, as the 23-year-old artist recalls her struggles growing up, including issues with drugs and prostitution that she has battled and overcome. There is a playful carefree spirit to the music that provides a stirring juxtaposition to lines about overdoses and failed relationships, but there is just something so overwhelmingly fresh and captivating about Gild Walton and her sound that has left us patiently waiting to hear more.